Homeowners Insurance in and around Lansdale
Looking for homeowners insurance in Lansdale?
The key to great homeowners insurance.

Would you like to create a personalized homeowners quote?
With State Farm's Insurance, You Are Home
Your home is a special place. You need homeowners coverage to keep it safe! You’ll get that with homeowners insurance from State Farm, a top provider of homeowners insurance. State Farm Agent John Stockmal is your knowledgeable authority who can offer coverage options aligned with your individual needs.
Looking for homeowners insurance in Lansdale?
The key to great homeowners insurance.

Agent John Stockmal, At Your Service
John Stockmal will help you feel right at home by getting you set up with dependable insurance that fits your needs. State Farm's coverage for your home not only covers the structure of your home, but can also protect prized possessions like your grandfather clock.
Whether you're prepared for it or not, the accidental can happen. But with State Farm, you're always prepared, so you can unwind knowing that your belongings are protected. Additionally, if you also insure your vehicle, you could bundle and save! Contact agent John Stockmal today to go over your options.
Have More Questions About Homeowners Insurance?
Call John at (215) 357-8170 or visit our FAQ page.

Protect your place from electrical fires
State Farm and Ting* can help you prevent electrical fires before they happen - for free.
Ting program only available to eligible State Farm Non-Tenant Homeowner policyholders
Explore Ting*The State Farm Ting program is currently unavailable in AK, DE, NC, SD and WY
Simple Insights®
Make your windows energy efficient
Make your windows energy efficient
Make your windows energy efficient with simple DIY updates, such as installing storm windows and sealing air leaks with caulk or weather stripping.
Smart steps to ladder safety
Smart steps to ladder safety
Do you know the right ladder height for the job? Ladder-related injuries result in thousands of trips to the ER each year. Learn how to use a ladder safely.

John Stockmal
State Farm® Insurance AgentSimple Insights®
Make your windows energy efficient
Make your windows energy efficient
Make your windows energy efficient with simple DIY updates, such as installing storm windows and sealing air leaks with caulk or weather stripping.
Smart steps to ladder safety
Smart steps to ladder safety
Do you know the right ladder height for the job? Ladder-related injuries result in thousands of trips to the ER each year. Learn how to use a ladder safely.